Don't think that problems with transporting your vehicle are solved by just picking the right company to do the job. Be prepared to take a lot of matter into your own hands to ensure a smooth freighting experience. To save you from getting possible headaches with the Vehicle Shipping company, keep in mind these important things.
First and foremost, be certain that you listed the company's telephone numbers in your phonebook. That way you can trail where your car is at any given time. Also list down the tracking code issued by the transporter.
Secondly, find out how much fuel should be left in your car. Several transporters oblige the car owner to keep the car's fuel at a minimum. In this way, mishaps and gas leakages are prevented.
A point to remember, don't leave your personal paraphernalia in your car. Companies do not let your stuff left in the car get a free ride. The presence of personal items in your vehicle encourages theft and may result in other problems.
Freights have weight restrictions even for vehicles. Personal effects are not indemnified by the car carrier should anything happen to it. You cannot blame the shipping company for this.
Do not forget to incapacitate electronic devices meant to deter burglars and the like. Don't wait for the shipping staff to be bothered by it, it is better to disconnect it before it becomes a nuisance. You may even completely disengage the device if you want to.
A signed declaration of your car's situation before it was turned over to the shipper is also important. By doing this, you won't be left in a state of rut in case your vehicle was damaged just because its prior condition wasn't properly documented. List all the previous marks, grazes and impairments found in your car and get the shipper to note it in his copy.
The bill readily tells you what you need to know regarding the shipping transactions of your car. Take care of it because there is no telling when it will come handy. You may need to show this if something goes awry with the delivery.
6. If you can, take pictures of your vehicle from all angles including small details and surfaces. Upon the delivery of your vehicle, inspect it carefully and thoroughly. See if anything has changed when you check on how it looked in the photographs.
Read your Bill of documents and try to see if some statements differ from the actual conditions of your vehicles. You don't have to please the shipper by signing the waiver right away and withholding your rights for claims. It is better to get claims for your car while the policy is enforced.
If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable blog.